My name is Jana and I specialise in unobtrusive and reportage style photography mixed with classic and contemporary portraiture.

I have been based in London for over twelve years and my passion for photography started when I was in my teenage years, visiting exhibitions of local or national photographers what was, at that time, in Czechoslovakia.  I was strongly influenced and inspired by those photographers such as the award winning Karol Kallay, as well as many others.

I am passionate about all aspects of photography, but capturing people and their precious time with their loved ones, children or family members and close friends, are for me the most rewarding.  Enabling so many memories to be documented and remembered in a permanent way.

Please feel free to send me a message or arrange a time to chat informally.

"Family, like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one"

In addition to a lifelong passion for photography, I have participated in a number of photography courses at The UK's premier Art College, Central Saint Martin's, London where I was fortunate enough to take courses with and be inspired by some well known, respected and incredibly gifted photographers who have helped me to develop my style and learn new techniques.

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